Personal Trainer, Pedro Sun
Fitness Expert Pedro Sun
Dear Friend,
My name is Pedro Sun, and I’m a personal trainer and nutritionist. I’ve been helping people move without pain, lose weight (or gain weight) and feel confident about their bodies since 2010. I’ve had the opportunity to help kids, senior citizens and everything in between.
I’ve always been curious how food and movement affect us, which led me to get a degree in nutrition and get certified as a personal trainer.
Nutrition and exercise information varies so much that it’s hard to know fact from fiction. It makes it hard for you to know what is the truth! I’m here to help.
Recognized by San Diego Magazine as a Best Personal Trainer in San Diego!
Fitness Fads = Bad Health Information
I Take This Personally Because I've Been A Victim Of Bad Information
I remember reading every fitness and health related magazines on how to get toned, stronger, and look fit. These magazines had diets that would make it easier to get the body I wanted.
According to these magazines, some foods would cause metabolic issues, inflammation, or even sensitivities that would ruin my health.
Mantra’s such as “no pain no gain” “don’t eat past 6” “eat this not that” were staples in the fitness community. These strategies seem to work in the short term. The problem was there was always new information on why you should or shouldn’t eat this or do that exercise.
Fitness For Good Health Balance
I Was Overwhelmed With Information And No Results
I had limited results at best, but I had to give up too many foods and activities I loved. My “fit” lifestyle made me socially awkward, and hanging out with friends difficult. I couldn’t eat or drink anything because I was on a diet. I was also always too tired from exercising all the time, and never wanted to go anywhere, either.
Is exercising and dieting supposed to affect my social life and my personal life like this?
Was fitness supposed to consume all my free time and leave no time for friends, family, or anything else?
Does this sound familiar?
Strength and Conditioning Informed By Science
I Decided To Get A Degree To Help People That Need It Most
As I look back now I should have hired a fitness professional to save time, money, and my sanity. REAL education was the key to help myself, not click-bait magazine articles.
No more confusing guess work or doubt. No more nutrition or exercise myths.
Too often time is invested in methods that won’t benefit you in a long-term sustainable way. I’ll help you learn from my mistakes so that you don’t have to waste your time.
How My Fitness And Nutrition Program Works
Over the past decade helping people with their success, I’ve noticed a trend and why people aren’t satisfied with their exercise and nutrition program. There isn’t a plan involved. If there is a plan, it’s based on a cookie cutter template.
Here is my system that I customize for each of my clients:
STEP 1: Our first meeting will be about you and how I can help. What can I help you understand about exercise and nutrition so that we can tailor the plan around your life, not the other way around.
STEP 2: Working out with me and weekly emails or text to keep you accountable. Weekly changes to your program that will make you progress at a pace that fits your life.
STEP 3: Keep having fun, enjoying life. You’ll become the exercise and nutrition expert for yourself.
Workout And Have Fun!
After years of helping people, your success comes down to you understanding why your efforts didn’t work all of those other times. Once you understand why, you can start making progress.
If you want to learn how you can overcome your struggles, and finally do something that works, I’d love to have a chat with you.
Personal Training Background
BSc in Foods and Nutrition
CSCS - Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach
Certifications in the following continuing education courses:
Reconciling Biomechanics With Pain Science (instructor: Greg Lehman)
Upper Quarter Neurodynamics (instructor: Michael Shacklock)
Simple Contact (instructor: Barrett Dorko)
Functional Therapeutic Movement (instructor: Ben Cormack)
Cognitive Functional Therapy (instructor: Peter O’Sullivan)
Simple Solutions to Complex Problems: Shoulders and Knees (instructors: Erik Meira & Adam Meakins)
Making Sense of the Evidence (instructor: Neil O’Connell)
Introduction to Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) (instructor: Kevin Vowles)
Better Movement (instructor: Todd Hargrove)